Trapper & Samantha Wellbeing Support Center announced at Valley Girls & Guys 'March Fun Night Out'
The Valley Girls & Guys ‘March Fun Night Out’ fundraiser at Snoqualmie Casino
On March 26th, 2022, Valley Girls & Guys honored Trapper O’Keeffe and Samantha Skolrud and their remarkable work raising money and awareness for cancer research and support by creating The Trapper & Samantha Wellbeing Support Center.
Located in and created in partnership with the UW Valley Medical Center in Renton, WA, the Trapper & Samantha Wellbeing Support Center will be staffed with friendly volunteers who provide hope and the following free services for cancer patients and their loved ones:
Information on cancer conditions and treatment options
Referrals to local resources, educational programs, and support groups
Personal Health Manager Kits
Free wigs, hats, and scarves for those experiencing hair loss due to cancer treatment
The Trapper & Samantha Wellbeing Support Center was dedicated at the 13th Annual Valley Girls & Guys March Fun Night Out fundraiser to honor the O’Keeffe’s long-standing commitment and contributions to fighting cancer and helping patients and their families during treatment through the Valley Girls & Guys organization.
“When we reached out to Valley [Medical Center], we said, ‘What do we do?’ and this was the perfect thing,” said VG&G founder Tina McDonough. “You have walked the walk with us, you gave, you continued to give during a cancer diagnosis, cancer fighting, and cancer thriving. We are honored, privileged, and grateful to call you a friend and partner.”
Samantha Skolrud herself was diagnosed with cancer. “Samantha, as you’ve seen, had her own cancer journey,” said McDonough. “And it was long after Trapper had already started giving. Trapper was doing it because his heart was in it.” Valley Girls & Guys provided support to the O’Keeffe family throughout her cancer battle. Today, Samantha is in full remission.
The Trapper’s organization is proud of the work our founding family does every day to battle cancer and provide loving support to the families that endure it. To date, we have raised over $1 million for cancer in support of VG&G. If you or a loved one is fighting cancer, or you would like to donate to the cause, please visit the Valley Girls & Guys website.